Editing and Creative Writing for all your Professional, Personal and Student Needs

Are you seeking assistance putting together your memoirs or autobiography? Feeling weighed down writing or editing your business documents? Having difficulty with your PhD thesis or struggling with English not being your first language? Do you require a written resume tailored to suit your industry? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, we can help you.

Editing services
Resume writing
Professional Writing
Blog Writing
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We specialise in Ghostwriting or Co-Authoring Autobiographies, and Editing Academic Theses, Writing Resumes and Blog Writing, but our business involves All Writing and Editing. We provide writing and editing services to cover a broad range of needs, working with you every step of the way on your story or memoirs, your business literature or thesis. We take pride in our communication skills and ethics, and all projects are completed promptly to the highest standard.

Editing Services

We create professional and high quality material for businesses. Our editing expertise lies in reports, brochures, proposals and speeches. Our editing services include:

Thesis editing

ID:115082111Your thesis may require editing, structuring, formatting and/or professional advice. Whatever your thesis needs – which may include motivation and time management – we will work with you to help you achieve them. We are fast and efficient and will help you with basic proofreading or editing, or work with you every step of the way. We are very experienced working with students who do not have English as their first language.

We ensure that the content of your business literature looks professional and communicates effectively. We specialise in supporting students with their PhD or Masters theses, essays, journal articles and other study projects. We can provide you with editing, structuring and proofreading of your project no matter what stage you are at. Our principal writer/editor, Greg, is also an accredited counsellor and teacher who can motivate and support you in completing your project to the standard your university or college requires. We have experience with students from a non-English speaking background and understand the challenges and difficulties of tertiary assessment in a foreign language.

For larger projects, upon request we will provide a sample of our editing of your work – obligation-free.

Editing academic work

We cater to all academic work, not just theses. If you have an essay you would like us to go over, tell us what you require and you will find we will exceed your expectations.

Editing business documents

All businesses require smart, clearly written and well-presented materials for both internal use or for clients. We follow all your specifications in editing the documents you need. Editing small projects and reports – No projects are too small. Contact us for a quote.

Book editing

Greg is an experienced and published author. He has helped many clients with books and knows what is needed and what to do to meet those needs. This places him in a perfect position to edited any book you have written, or which you are still writing.

Read more about our editing services here

Resume Services


It is critical to have an effective resume ready for a prospective employer. We have professional experience writing resumes. We know what is required and what employers look for. We will compile the relevant information and turn it into a concise, properly formatted and presentable document which will attract the eye of the reader and keep their attention. We also do Cover Letters and specialise in addressing Selection Criteria documents.


Resume writing

Resume writing involves detailing everything about you that is relevant to applying for a job. It involves carefully and clearly presenting your qualifications, experience, skills and relevant personal attributes in a document that will grab the attention of any prospective employer. The resumes we write will typically be between one and three pages in length.

Resume preparation

Resume writing involves detailing everything about you that is relevant to applying for a job. It involves carefully and clearly presenting your qualifications, experience, skills and relevant personal attributes in a document that will grab the attention of any prospective employer.

Cover Letters and Selection (or Key) Criteria

Our services include preparing detailed, purposeful and attractive documents which address the criteria your prospective employer requires. This will involve interviewing you over the phone, then getting back to you with a draft until we get it just right. You can trust our expertise in knowing what is required.

CV writing

A CV (curriculum vitae) was once considered to be a longer version of a Resume. In these modern times, however, the two terms are often interchangeable. We find that most employers require a ‘resume’ that details your qualifications, experience, skills and relevant personal attributes. Whether it is a resume or a CV you are after, we will work with you to meet your needs

Read more about the resume services we provide here

Writing Services


Writing a book is very rewarding, even more so if it is the story of your journey through life, the ups and downs, your challenges and adventures, those unique moments and the people who have been important to you. We provide assistance for individuals wanting to write their story. Your project can be a memoir, family history, autobiography, article or non-fiction book. Or you may want our assistance in writing a novel or short story. We will help – or take charge of the entire project – by writing, re-writing, researching, editing, transcribing and interviewing. We also assist with advising, planning and the publishing process.

Our writing services include:


‘Ghostwriting’ involves writing someone else’s material. It usually refers to working with the information someone else provides, and shaping it into the final product. It is especially important for authors who do not have the time or know-how for creating their own book.

Collaborative writing

Collaborative writing is similar to ghostwriting and often used to mean the same. Collaborative writing, however, is more likely to also refer to researching or otherwise creating the material which is the subject of a book or article.

Writing autobiographies

Greg specialises in collaborating in producing autobiographic material – people’s life stories. He will work with you to hear your story through interviews (usually via skype) and then creating your autobiography one step at a time. Alternatively, you may have already written much of the material for your book, and need us to write, edit or advise according to your requirements.

Writing memoirs

Although a memoir is often considered to be the same as an autobiography, it may differ in that it refers to only a certain period of the author’s life. It may also refer only to certain subject matter, such as the author’s relationship with his or her father. In any case, in the same manner as co-authoring or ghostwriting an autobiography, we can assist with your needs.


Copywriting is written material usually created for advertising, marketing or summarising a larger work. It involves both an understanding of the larger document, and the ability to condense, summarise and promote the key points to meet the needs of the author or the commissioner of the project. It is an area of writing we are very familiar with.

Read more about our writing services here

Proofreading Services

Young business woman in dark suit reading book and pointing line.

Proofreading involves reading through a written document. It often involves looking for errors, like a word missing or misspelt, commas out of place, and inconsistencies with the formatting such as different sized sub-headings. It is time consuming but necessary (who wants to read a document with errors) in ensuring any document is ready for use.


We proofread anything. And through tracking the changes we make we will show you the final adjustments necessary before the document is ready to go.


This is often confused with proofreading, but instead is an essential precursor to proofreading. Copyediting is what is done to a document after the author(s) have finished with it. It is a process whereby everything in a document is checked for consistency and presentation, as well as errors. It is much required before the final proofread is done and involves a thorough examination of formatting, style, word use, spelling, terminology … of everything.

More information about our proofreading and copyediting services here

For larger projects, upon request we will provide a sample of our editing of your workobligation-free.

Writings - Writing Your Needs Testimonial - Lentil As Anything 


‘Greg has the ability to embellish language towards an extraordinary level of honesty. He has proved that mundanity will always be in peril at the hands of a skilled writer’ – Shanaka Fernando (Founder of the Lentil As Anything pay-as-you-feel restaurants)